life with a newborn :: edward

Edward was born peacefully at home, and for the first 12 weeks of his life he was privileged to have both his mommy AND daddy home with him. This family has been incubating together these last few months, becoming intimately acquainted with all the nuances of one another, relearning ways to live life as a family of three. 

About a week before Loretta was scheduled to return to work full time, she got in touch and asked me to come do a Life With A Newborn session, provided 11 weeks old wasn't "too old" for that sort of session (it isn't). 

Loretta and John are very much equal partners in caretaking for baby Edward. I watched with a warm heart as they each tended to him -- diaper changes, feedings, cuddles -- and sang over him. 

I'm so happy with this set of photos, because they capture a tiny snapshot of this really sacred season in this family's life together. Here you're invited to take a peek...

If you're freshly home with your own newborn (or even if it's been a few months), please do yourself a favor and get a Life With A Newborn session done. I promise you, the sweetness you'll feel every time you look at them for years to come will be SO worth it.