personal :: spring 2019

In the fall, our family moved from the city to what I like to call psuedo-country. We found an old farm house on a little acre of land that abuts the woods but is still under 20 minutes from the city and made our best offer. Now we call it home. The change has been drastic in some ways, but also a homecoming and a relief! We’re so happy to be here in this sweet spot where our kids can run wild and free and nature can be a balm to heal and replenish us.

I’ve been taking many photos since we moved, and I thought I’d share some of them in this space so you can see how I also celebrate the sacred ordinary of my own life, just as I’m always trying to encourage others to hire me to do with them, and teaching others to do on their own.

My Light + Life Workshop is back by popular demand and there are a few spots left. Join me for a casual and friendly retreat-like day to learn how to use your DSLR camera for all that it’s worth (yup, you’ll learn how to shoot in manual mode so you can have better technical results) AND how to tell a meaningful story with your images. Food and drinks are included, and so is a practice shoot followed by gentle critique.

And now back to the part where you can see MY family in its raw, unscripted form. I love these people and this life so much…