family photojournalism :: the focos

Life with BOYS! One of my longest-standing friends, Kristin, has this beautiful family she's building with her husband Jeremy. And it's composed of 2 little boys and one more due to arrive this winter. They've very recently moved into their first HOUSE, a new construction that they commissioned and helped design. Though Kristin says it isn't as unpacked or decorated yet as she would like, it already feels like home. Behind their house is a huge expanse of meadow, undeveloped and wild, and they're positioned in a quiet neighborhood that's definitely the sort of place one would want to imagine raising a family. In this short story (yes, only an hour!) there was time for pumpkin bowling, bike riding, wrestling and dancing, blowing bubbles, making popcorn and general shenanigans. Never a dull moment with small and high-energy kiddos, am I right?!

life with a newborn :: xavier james

This story, this family -- Shawnna and Justin and Mya -- has captured my heart and taken up some serious prayer real estate in the last couple of years. Because there were until recently just three of them, but they knew that adoption was the next step in growing their family. About a year ago, they endured a rather devastating failed adoption. It was a hard, hard season, and the tenacity of their faith through it all was brilliant. In the midst of a season of grief and unknowing, they found out they were pregnant! And then, rather suddenly and very quickly, a birth mom on the brink of giving birth chose them to adopt the son she was carrying, Xavier. So now a family that once seemed "stalled" at 3, is approaching 5 in record time. If you're so inclined, you can read their story, in Shawnna's words, on their adoption consultant's blog HERE and in Justin's words HERE

And below, you'll see a little glimpse of life since Xavier came home, at 6 weeks old, on a Sunday afternoon, eating, playing, snuggling, wandering their property, and all the other good good things that make up a family life. Look closely and you'll see that Shawnna has a blossoming baby bump. Their newest addition is due this Spring and will be almost exactly 6 months younger than Xavier. It's a unique season, ripe with a million emotions and so much life. 

Love makes a family. 


Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave

Brooke is on maternity leave and will not be scheduling any sessions until late February. However, booking inquiries can still be sent and sessions planned in advance. Please email, and be patient with the slower speed of her reply.

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life with a newborn :: lochlan kale

About 6 weeks before these photos were made, Lochlan made her entrance into the world in a birth pool in the dining room, and I was there to document that sacred moment, too.

Now, she's already smiling up into the faces of her daddy and mama, getting kissed and caressed by her big sister Tatum, and living the good life mostly on her mama's chest or between her parents in bed. Shauna has been rocking her postpartum season, resting well and often while drinking good coffee as Tatum plays nearby. I love seeing a mama who takes the liberty of abundant rest in her fourth trimester, and the effects on both her and the newborn, which are contentment, joy, and bonding. 

During my visit with them, Lochlan got her second every bath, got dressed, nursed, enjoyed some time on the front porch, and dozed off into a cozy nap while Tatum and daddy did yoga nearby. :) I sure do love this special family. 

life with a newborn :: jonah grace

Sweet Jonah Grace, the girl with the wild, untamable hair and the loving attention of her godly mom and dad. She's the first grandchild, the beloved of her many aunties and uncles, plus her pup-sibling.

This session was such a joy, from sink bath to couch cuddles, play time on the floor, diaper changes, and coffee-sipping in between it all. I even got to watch Jonah doze off to sleep in her mama's arms in the rocking chair toward the end.

 Afterwards, when I sent over a handful of previews to her, Jonah's mama Audrey wrote, "Its amazing to see the shots you captured, when it hardly felt like you were taking pictures. It just felt like having a friend over for coffee." YES! It surely did. That's precisely how I want it to feel. We can be friendly and relaxed, and magic will be captured without it feeling like you even had to work for it. 

Thanks again for having me over for coffee, Audrey and Xavier. Your girl is truly something special. 

By the way, there's a Black Friday Shop up and in effect today until 11 pm EST, presuming not everything is sold out already. Hop on over here and take a look!

family photojournalism :: the hughes family

I spent an evening with this sweet family on an ordinary day. Their boy-girl twins are 5.5 and just so full of fun. There were pancakes for dinner (yes!) made by Erin and her mom while Will and his dad worked in the garage replacing a tired on his bike. They spent a bit of time outside riding bikes and tending to the fairy gardens, then headed back in for a craft, play with barbies and trucks, reading, and then a bit of movie watching on their in-home theatre in the basement before getting tucked into bed for the night. 

Enjoy this glimpse of life at the Hughes home!

Also, just a heads up: I have a black friday and small business saturday deal or two in the works. One will be a special deal just for previous clients, while the other will have possibilities for anyone. Keep an eye on my facebook page and IG (@brookecollierphoto) so that you don't miss it!